To enable the sender warmup feature go to

  1. Senders section in the main menue
  2. click on the sender for which you'd like to enable warmup feature
  3. scroll down to the Warmup section and turn it ON

Switching the ON toggle will pre-populate setting fields with recommended settings which you can change to fit your case.

Daily Warmup Sending Limit - this is the maximum number of warmup emails that will be sent each day.

Reply rate % - this is an approximate percentage of sent emails that will get a reply.

Warmup Identifier Tag - while we already automatically remove warmup emails from your inbox into a special folder, you can set a unique tag if you need extra filtering options.


Auto increase warmup emails

If your sender account is new, we recommend you start with a lower number of warmup sends per day and gradually increase the number.

Check the Auto increase checkbox to set it up.

Increase Dialiy Warmup Send Per Day - a % increase of the current Daily Warmup Sending Limit

Maximum Warmup Limit After Auto Increase - a maximum number of warmup emails that will be sent using this Auto increase feature.


NOTE: The current Daily Warmup Sending Limit should be lower than Maximum Warmup Limit After Auto Increase in order for this Auto Increase feature to work.